Insiders have known it for a while. For others, the news that the ZomerJazzFietsTour will end in its current format after 2024, came as a surprise. We’ve received hundreds of warm responses. "It's really sad, to see something as warm-hearted and welcoming as this disappear." But, fans of the ZJFT, there is also a glimmer of hope.
We wrote about the reasons for stopping in this story earlier:
Among the fans, there is an understanding for the decision, as is the common theme in the responses. But the disappointment predominates. The ZJFT is a unique event, many fans write: "My heart weeps at this kind of news. The Dutch cultural landscape has been deteriorating for years. Even as a thirty-something, I see the decline in comparison to a few years ago," writes Jurriën.
"Nooo!," responds Joshua. "Please continue. It's so necessary."
Programmer Marcel Roelofs also heard this sentiment in his contacts with the musicians. He is working on the lineup for this season (progressing well, more on that soon) and hears mainly gratitude for the broad platform that the ZJFT offers for improv jazz.
Many reactions also come in from musicians via Facebook. Percussionist Alan Purves: "Oh no, this is really bad news for the Dutch and World improvised music scene."
"Don't believe it. The power must go on. Right away to the 50th," writes saxophonist and composer Thomas Borgmann. And Michael Moore (saxophone/clarinet): "Best festival in NL!"
So, Borgmann still hopes for a fiftieth edition of the ZomerJazzFietsTour. That won't happen. At least, not in its current form. But some people have raised their hands to think about a restart in a different form. Perhaps smaller. More manageable for the volunteers. But with a continued love for experimental jazz and the cultural landscape. Who knows, it might lead to something. We will keep you posted.
With the announcement of a farewell, anecdotes also surface. There are thousands of them. The following stands out because it describes a feeling that many people will recognize. Romke Wybenga emailed us his story:
It’s understandable, but at the same time very sad for me. In my opinion, the ZJFT is a ‘Gesamtkunstwerk’ as they call it in Kraut country. A brilliant idea that was always executed in an appropriate, and therefore not overly efficient, manner. Scintillating music, equally scintillating explanatory texts, humour. The special landscape and those beautiful churches, the need to stop for crossing cattle, because of all that, there was also much to enjoy other than the music alone.
Festival is an annoying word that the ZJFT has successfully avoided by going through life as a Cycling Tour, meanwhile surpassing all other festivals. To be honest. I am enormously grateful to you all for the incredible experiences gained over so many years at the end of August in the Reitdiep valley.
One memory I would like to share is the sight of the cycling brass band from Opende, first performing a concert in concentric circles (but in counterclockwise circles) at the railway station in Groningen, with two soloists standing on a cargo bike in the centre. This was already very well thought out and something you never forget. In Niehove, however, this was surpassed when the same cycling brass band rode in circles around the church while playing, but the conductor, standing on a cargo bike, continuously lost contact with part of his band as that part was, by definition, on the other side of the church. One of the few times that the theatrical aspect took precedence at the ZJFT.
Good luck with the preparations for ZJFT 2024!!
Best regards, Romke
One more response then, a tweet from fan Willem Minderhout, which we fully endorse:
"It might sound strange, but I always look forward to the end of the holiday #zjft"
In that regard, Willem, we can already tell you that the end of the holiday this year will be on Friday, 30 August (prologue at Simplon) and Saturday, 31 August (ZomerJazzFietsTour).