Friends of the ZomerJazzFietsTour

The Friends Foundation of the ZJFT aims to provide financial support to the ZJFT. Now that the ZJFT will cease to exist in its current form, this foundation will also take a step back. Perhaps when the festival continues in a different form, the foundation can be of service again. For this reason, this year we will not encourage existing friends to renew their support or actively seek new friends. This year, Friends have made it possible to finance a composition commission. Additionally, a sum has been allocated to facilitate an exhibition during this final ZJFT in its original style at De Doorrit in Garnwerd, showcasing the history of the ZJFT through various documents, photos, films, and artefacts.

Composition Commission

The final edition of the ZomerJazzFietsTour in this form is a unique event, and it would be fitting to add another one-time event to it. Throughout its long history, the ZomerJazzFietsTour has never commissioned a composition specifically for this unique festival. A farewell composition? Farewell to the boundlessly adventurous improvised jazz experience, with an open mind towards how we can present this music in a different way in the Groningen landscape.

We would like to express extra thanks to Wieger Fransen from KNOKKI audio technologies, for making a 'final tune' possible -surprise ensemble'. You will come across them.

The Friends of the ZomerJazzFietsTour have made a significant contribution through their annual donations to keep improvised music on the agenda. It's not just about money, but also about the motivating force that friends provide. Now, friends make it possible to commission a composition. And who better to ask than someone who knows all aspects of the ZJFT inside out: Niels Smit Duyzentkunst. The composition has been written and is titled '40 Bars to Leave your ZJFT'. This composition will be part of the program in its own unique way at every stage where our musicians perform. It will be an extra special enjoyment with surprises expected due to the personal touch that musicians will add.

Wim Krijnen & Hugo Klomp
Friends of the ZomerJazzFietsTour